Singapore students have what it takes to thrive in the 21st century workplace

Singapore’s teens have demon­strated competencies that enable them to navigate the challenges of the 21st century, according to the 2015 results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a triennial international benchmarking study co-ordinated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

PISA 2015 shows that our students are not just competent in applying knowledge and skills, but also in analysing, reasoning and commu­nicating as they solve novel prob­lems. The results also highlight that our students enjoy learning Science and acquiring new scien­tific knowledge, as fostered by our teachers’ efforts in making learning authentic and relevant.

Ms Low Khah Gek, Deputy Di­rector-General of Education (Schools), said: “It is encouraging that the results show our students have the necessary skills to deal with real-world situations and con­texts. They are motivated learners who enjoy learning, which defi­nitely puts them in good stead to tackle challenges ahead. For this, we have to thank supportive par­ents and dedicated teachers, who have brought out the best in our students – and this is something the students themselves have ac­knowledged!”

The results of the 2015 and past PISA cycles reflect the deliberate curricular shifts we have made over the years towards a greater empha­sis on higher-order, critical think­ing skills, and our pedagogical shifts in moving learning beyond content to mastery and application of skills to solve authentic problems in various contexts.


“We Think & Apply Well”

Overall, the PISA 2015 results af­firm Singapore’s international standing as a high-performing education system, where students not only possess strong funda­mentals in literacy and numeracy, but are also equipped with higher-order thinking skills1 . Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor to the Secretary-General at OECD, said: “The modern world no longer rewards people just for what they know – Google knows everything – but for what they can do with what they know. It is therefore en­couraging that Singapore’s students are not just leading the world in their scientific knowledge, but they excel particularly in their capacity to think like scientists in the way they creatively use and apply their knowledge.”

science problems that require high­er-order thinking. They are par­ticularly strong in evaluating and designing scientific enquiry, and they understand the importance of reasoned discourse and the use of evidence to support claims.

“We Enjoy The Experience”

More than 8 in 10 Singapore stu­dents agreed that they have fun when learning Science topics, and enjoy acquiring new knowledge in Science. Furthermore, our stu­dents view the learning of Science as useful for their future careers. More than 8 in 10 of them agreed that making an effort in Science is worth it, and the scientific knowl­edge and skills that they acquire will help them in future.

“We Have Great Teachers”

The PISA 2015 results also show that our education system provides opportunities2 for all to succeed and develops the potential of every child. This can be seen by the rela­tively small proportions of low per­formers who did not attain a base­line level of proficiency, and the high proportions of top perform­ers who are capable of advanced thinking and reasoning.

Singapore’s proportion of low per­formers in each of the three do­mains (Science, Reading, Math­ Of the 72 participating education systems, Singapore students per­formed very well in Science, Read­ing and Mathematics. Science was the major domain in PISA 2015, and students’ competencies in dif­ferent areas of science were meas­ured. The results show that Singa­pore students are adept at solving science problems that require high­er-order thinking. They are par­ticularly strong in evaluating and designing scientific enquiry, and they understand the importance of reasoned discourse and the use of evidence to support claims.

 “We Enjoy The Experience”

More than 8 in 10 Singapore stu­dents agreed that they have fun when learning Science topics, and enjoy acquiring new knowledge in Science. Furthermore, our stu­dents view the learning of Science as useful for their future careers. More than 8 in 10 of them agreed that making an effort in Science is worth it, and the scientific knowl­edge and skills that they acquire will help them in future.

“We Have Great Teachers”

The PISA 2015 results also show that our education system provides opportunities2 for all to succeed and develops the potential of every child. This can be seen by the rela­tively small proportions of low per­formers who did not attain a base­line level of proficiency, and the high proportions of top perform­ers who are capable of advanced thinking and reasoning. Singapore’s proportion of low per­formers in each of the three do­mains (Science, Reading, Mathematics) stands at about 10% – among the lowest of all partici­pating education systems. Mean­while, Singapore’s proportion of top performers in each domain is the highest among all participating education systems (Science: 24%, Reading: 18%, Mathematics: 35%).

Our students in PISA 2015 report­ed that their teachers use a variety of strategies in teaching Science, thus contributing to our students’ strong interest and performance in the subject. These include the explicit teaching of concepts, ex­plaining how an idea can be ap­plied to different phenomena, and giving opportunities to students to explain their ideas. Their teach­ers, our students added, also pro­vide them with feedback on their performance and customise les­sons according to their needs. In fact, when compared to teachers in most education systems, teachers from Singapore use “adaptive” in­struction more frequently, exercis­ing flexibility and tailoring lessons based on their students’ needs and abilities.

More than 8 in 10 students also said that their teachers give extra help when they need it, and contin­ue teaching until they understand during most or all Science lessons. Our students also felt that their teachers are interested in eve­ry student’s learning processes and outcomes.

“We Have Great Schools”

Our students’ performance in PISA 2015 is also supported by eq­uitably well-resourced schools that provide our students with a stimu­lating and conducive learning en­vironment. Singapore schools are very well-resourced in terms of the adequacy and quality of educa­tional material and physical infra­structure, compared to schools in all participating education systems. This attests to our ongoing efforts to equip schools with modern ICT infrastructure and other necessary learning resources.

In addition, our principals and stu­dents reported favourable school and classroom climates which cre­ate a positive experience for teach­ing and learning.


PISA is a triennial OECD study that examines and compares how well education systems are helping their students acquire the knowl­edge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. It assesses the capacity of 15-year-old students to apply knowledge and skills in Science, Reading and Mathematics, and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they solve problems in a variety of real-life situations. Each cycle provides information on all three domains but focuses on one major domain. For PISA 2015, 72 education systems participated in PISA 2015 in which Science was the major domain.

This is the third time that Singapore has participated in PISA. A total of 5,825 students, mainly from Sec­ondary 3 and 4, from all 168 public secondary schools and 290 stu­dents from 9 private schools were randomly selected to take part in PISA 2015. They are representative of the population of 15-year-olds in Singapore.